Podcast Archive

This is a listing of all of our podcasts to date, most recent first. To find out about how to subscribe to our podcast on your mobile device, please see How to Listen to the Daily in Christ Podcast on Your Mobile Device.  
[Series: God's Prescription When Life Isn't Fair. This episode: "Psalm 37:34-40 - The Hope of the Righteous"] When we are going through a dark time, when the unrighteous and ungodly are getting away with their wrongdoing, it can seem like there is no hope. That our lives are hopeless, lost ...
[Series: God's Prescription When Life Isn't Fair, this episode: "Ps 37:12-21 - The Doom of the Wicked and The Heritage of the Righteous] Over and over again in the Bible we see situations where the righteous are vexed and can be tempted to be discouraged when it seems like the ...
[Series: God's Prescription When Life Isn't Fair] God is speaking very clearly to us during these distressing times and no matter the situations of unfairness that we face. We continue our hope-filled series, based on Psalms 37 & 73 (the "3-7, 7-3" prescription). In this episode: I heard God LAUGH ...
[Series: God's Prescription When Life Isn't Fair] There are times when we are frustrated -- even angry -- that something in our lives is downright unfair. We may be living our lives, doing what is right and then someone takes advantage of us. And it seems like they are getting ...
[This is the second part of a 2-part message. NOTE: although the title is similar to the message shared during the last two podcast episodes (preached in 2020), this is a different one (preached in 2016)]. There are times when it seems as if things are spinning out of control ...
[This is the first part of a 2-part message. NOTE: although the title is similar to the message shared during the last two podcast episodes (preached in 2020), this is a different one (preached in 2016)]. The most important and comforting thought we could ever have, even in the midst ...
[This is part 2 of the two-part message, "In God We Trust 2020"] The Bible speaks in many places about the blessedness of trusting God, not man. In this episode we learn about what The Bible means to trust in God. We also discuss: The blessedness of trusting God, not ...
[This is part 1 of the two-part message, "In God We Trust 2020"] Do you know what verse lies at the exact center of the Bible? It is a powerful verse with profound implications for our troubled times: Psalm 118:9, "It is better to trust in the LORD than to ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:35-39 In the midst of darkness, trouble and crisis we may be tempted to believe that God somehow is not really for us... we may even think that He is against us! But nothing could be farther from the truth! ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:33-34. Many Christians, when they experience the blessing of the Grace of God, have a dark tendency to think, "Uh oh! I better watch out for the other shoe to drop!" In other words, "Something bad is probably going to ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:31-32. If we go through a trial and wrongly think that God is against us it pushes us into deeper darkness. But the plain truth is: believer, God is indeed FOR you and not against you! And that makes all ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:28-30. The biggest fear that we can have is our own, total failure. This darkens our horizon and hinders our faith walk with God right now. In this episode we see that God's real Hope has nothing at all to ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] What would you think if you knew that there was someone who is praying for you and that someone was offering perfect prayers to God on your behalf? The good news is that you DO have such a perfect Intercessor, right ...
[Series: Such Costly Love] The great Love of God is supremely demonstrated by the costly sacrifice of Jesus and shed His precious blood for us. In this episode we learn more about SUCH COSTLY LOVE and more reasons for His shed blood: Remission of sins, which brings about the completely ...
[Series: Such Costly Love] Christians understand that it was necessary for Christ to shed His precious blood to bring us salvation. Unfortunately, very few Christians understand why Jesus had to shed His blood for US. In this episode we learn about: Redemption blood - as a ransom, purchasing us from ...
[Series: Such Costly Love] The Greatness of God's incredible love is demonstrated and clearly seen not in the best of places… but in our worst. In this first part of a two-part message we'll look into the great cost of God's Love for YOU. Exactly what is this great demonstration ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] All around us seems to be in hopelessness and despair. Our world has been thrown into deep crisis because of the pandemic. Racial unrest tears the heart of the nation. In city after city the voices of peaceful protesters are drowned ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] We have been plunged into times of darkness and hopelessness. The Coronavirus Pandemic has killed over 100,000 people world wide and resulted in a long shut down. Great economic uncertainty abounds as many are unemployed, racial tension and riots are igniting ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] In these incredibly uncertain, even frightening, times many wonder: "What is the greatest form of security?" and "How can my family and I be kept safe?" Even more importantly: "How do I get rid of this fear and anxiety in my ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Believer, do you know that the old sinner you is dead and buried? Do you know that you are dead to sin? Do you know that you are also dead to the law? In this episode we talk about the NEW ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Every single believer is already "more than a conqueror through Him who loved us" -- even in the darkest of times. Unfortunately, many believers don't understand the incredible truths of God's Love, and the incredible things that God has done for ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] It is breathtaking how God meets us at our very worst -- unworthy, sinful and deserving of His just wrath -- and transforms us into His beloved children and rightful heirs of all! In this episode we take a look at ...
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.
[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] There are times in our lives when we are suddenly hit with a crisis. Like a car getting slammed broadside on the road. But no matter how dark and frightening the crisis — even the current Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic — God ...
[Blessed Beyond Imagination #18] Many Christians struggle with living as the brand new creature in Christ that they REALLY ARE, because they think, "I don't think I'm 'good enough' or 'holy enough' or 'righteous enough". That's right: you are NOT... but the Lord Jesus Christ is! And that makes a ...
[Blessed Beyond Imagination #17. The beginning of this podcast has encouragement from God's Word dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis]. It's true: God has already richly blessed you, believer, beyond imagination! But many struggle and ask, "Why isn't this working in my life?". We tackling that perplexing question in this ...
[Blessed Beyond Imagination #16] Very few believers know who they really are in Christ…And that's important to know, in good times… and especially in bad times! Even fewer believers experience the reality of who they really are in Christ in their daily lives. In this episode, we talk about living ...
[Blessed Beyond Imagination #15. Note: the beginning of this episode has strong encouragement during this dark time of the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and economic uncertainty.] God has already richly blessed every single believer… beyond imagination! But most Christians have almost no idea just how much God has already blessed them ...
[This is the audio version. Click here for the written version] I have become increasingly concerned over the hysteria and panic over the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. True, we must be careful and take wise action. However, the overreaction and downright panic are much worse than the disease itself. If God ...
Every single person who is in Christ is indeed richly blessed beyond imagination. But you might be wondering: it sure doesn't seem like I'm richly blessed beyond imagination! Maybe you even think that your life is just the opposite. In this episode, we'll help you to understand and experience the ...
[Blessed Beyond Imagination, part 13]. It's one of the most important messages that could ever be spoken… And it answers the most important question of all: can I know for sure that I have a good standing with God? EVERYTHING depends on it! In this episode we look at: Faith ...
Blessed Beyond Imagination series, part 12. In the Bible we read that God "justifies the ungodly". How can that be? Today, we examine what He does this, looking at what the Bible says about: All of us don't deserve to be blessed, because of our sin, idolatry and rebellion against ...
They didn't deserve to be blessed... yet GOD blessed them anyhow! In this episode, we continue looking at the lives of those who are blessed of God, yet didn't deserve to be blessed. Today, we look at: Ruth - an outsider, a Moabite. Even though she was not a part ...
Why is that we see in the Bible that God repeatedly blesses the undeserving? We learn more about this fact in this lesson, as we examine people in the Bible who were blessed of God, even though they didn't deserve it. Today, we'll study: Joseph - the youngest of Jacob's ...
Throughout the Bible and down the corridors of time, we find people who were known to be BLESSED OF GOD. How did they ever get to such a place of being SO BLESSED? What was their secret? People are blessed not because they are so good, but because God is ...
[Part 7 of the "Blessed Beyond Imagination" series] Have you ever been betrayed by a friend, rejected by someone who used to love you or ever had someone say, "I'm DONE with you!"? At some point, we all experience the pain and loss of broken love. On this edition we ...
[Psalm 103:8-10, Part 6 of the series, "Blessed Beyond Imagination"]  We live in rapidly changing times. Everywhere we look, dramatic -- sometimes traumatic -- change is taking place: in our culture, in the world, at the workplace, in our schools and in our families. But there is one, sure, great ...
[Psalm 103:5-7]  Because of God's incredible GOODNESS, we are blessed beyond imagination. Today, we explore the blessings of real and lasting SATISFACTION, God's justice for the oppressed and Personally knowing HIM: God and only God can bring real satisfaction. The devil flaunts the pleasures of this world at us. But the child of ...
[This is Part 4 of the series, "Blessed Beyond Imagination"] Many Christians acknowledge that God is a blessing God. The extent of His blessings are truly amazing. However, they think to themselves, "Why would God bless me, with all the sin that I have done?" In this encouraging episode, we look ...
[This is Part 3 of the series, "Blessed Beyond Imagination"] We continue with a veritable feast of God's blessings & benefits, found in Psalm 103. Today, we look at: God's TOTAL forgiveness - no matter how great the iniquity or sin, God's love and grace makes possible a perfect and ...
[This is Part 2 of the series, "Blessed Beyond Imagination"] It's amazing how FORGETFUL we can be. One moment we get a deeper, fresher glimpse of the blessing of God.... and the next, we forget that word of blessing, when we open up an unexpected bill in the mail. In this ...
[This is Part 1 of the "Blessed Beyond Imagination Series"] Many times, we greet each other with "How are you?" For the believer, our answer really is "Blessed beyond imagination!". In this introductory episode, you'll find out why, as we learn: That God is the source of all blessing. He blesses ...
[This is part 2 of a 2-part series]  Jesus Christ became an "object of horror" when He bore ALL of our sin, ALL of our curse, ALL of our infirmities, ALL of our sicknesses and ALL of our diseases. In this episode, we continue to examine WHY He bore all that for you and me: ...
[This is Part 1 of a 2-part series]. Most Christians know that when Jesus went to the cross He died for their sins... and that is true. However, he didn't just "die for our sins", he did for SINNERS. He died for YOU. In this episode, based on prophetic scriptures in ...
[Part 5 of 5] While Satan's plan to keep us away from God is devious -- by distracting us with DOING to be like God -- God's REALITY for the new order of our being is INFINITELY better than DO -- it is CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory ...
[Part 4 of 5] If Satan's #1 strategy to keep us AWAY FROM God is to have us believe that we must DO to be LIKE GOD... then what is GOD's way and plan for us? In this episode we explore God's brilliant plan in the new creation: not "just ...
[Part 3 of 5] Satan's #1 goal is to keep us away from God, at all costs. And his #1 tactic to achieve that goal is so subtle, seemingly so good, that we miss it entirely: He tries to get us to be LIKE GOD WITHOUT GOD, by having us ...
[Part 2 of 5] On the surface it looks so good. But in reality, it's the deadly, cunningly deceptive scheme of Satan to keep us away from God: focusing on trying to be like God by means of our doing. In this episode, we examine Origin #2 of this diabolical ...
[Part 1 of 5]  Satan's #1 goal in our lives is to keep us away from God at all costs. How does he achieve that goal? What is his master strategy to keep us away from God? The way that Satan frequently works in our lives is by hiding inside something ...
[John 14:1-6] Many people say they "believe in God".... but do you believe IN JESUS? Many Christians say they believe in Jesus and yet they burn themselves out trying to be "more like Jesus". God is not interested in you "trying to be more like Jesus".... He's got a better way, and that way ...
[Hebrews 13:8-24]  Jesus Christ is not only prominent in the scripture, He is also preeminent. In the midst of verses that appear to be a "Christian To Do list", Hebrews 13:8 triumphantly declares, "Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday, today and forever." This is no accident: it is the Holy Spirit ...
[Hebrews 12:25-13:6] In all of the scripture, no one is more prominent than The Lord Jesus Christ. No work is greater than His finished work. If we refuse Him, we refuse The Father. Having Him, we have all. In this lesson we learn: How vitally important it is to not ...
[Gal 4:21-31]  Many Christians struggle and continue to live in bondage, because they mix together two TOTALLY DIFFERENT covenants, the Old Covenant of Law and the New Covenant of grace. In this lesson, we'll examine yet another striking contrast between the Old Covenant (law) and the New Covenant (grace), as portrayed ...
[Hebrews 12:22-24] Many Christians live with a sense of condemnation and fear of God's judgment. They believe that because they have failed to be good enough, righteousness enough or faithful enough, God is somehow displeased with them -- or worse -- condemning them. In this episode, will see the great news ...
[Hebrews 12:18-21]  Most Christians think that God is impressed with their efforts to please Him by what they DO. In this episode, we'll see that the focus on OUR "do for God" is actually self-righteous, contrary to faith and evokes the terror of the Lord. Also: Why it is that when Israel ...
[Hebrews 12:12-17] In this lesson, we look at: The real reason behind the trials of life that a believer will face and why they happen. The powerful results of the grace of God in our lives to move us beyond discouragement to pursue peace with all people and holiness. The ...
[Hebrews 12:3-11] After having dealt with the common misconceptions about Hebrews 12:3-11 in our last episode, in this lesson we focus on what these verses are really all about: the child training of our Loving Father. We look into: The word "chasten" and "chastening" appear repeatedly throughout these verses. The ...
[Hebrews 12:3-6] Does God send terrible things like cancer, tragic accidents and the death of loved ones to make us more like Jesus? Does God punish His children, even with severe scourging? In this episode, we deal head-on and scripturally with common -- and harmful -- misconceptions about the discipline of God ...
[Hebrews 11:33-12-2] In this concluding lesson in our The Just Shalt Live by Faith series, we dig into: More on overcoming faith Overcoming faith, even in the midst of severe persecution and death What God's grace through faith in Christ accomplishes The importance of a faith that steadfastly looks to ...
[Hebrews 11:30-33a] In this episode, we continue to look at OVERCOMING FAITH: Joshua and the Conquest The leadership of God's people BY FAITH and its effects. They were ordinary people OF FAITH who trusted in an EXTRAORDINARY GOD! God is the one who is great, The Hero, and HE does mighty things ...
[Hebrews 11:23-29]  In this episode, we look at the faith of Moses, the man of God who was called of God to forsake Egypt and bring deliverance to God's people from the hand of Pharaoh. Over and over again we see that by living by faith, Moses: Had a godly ...
[Hebrews 11:13-22]  How did they do it? How did those memorialized in Hebrews Chapter 11 live in such a way that God selected them and their story as examples of faith? The answer: they lived by faith. In this episode we: Remember the important context of Hebrews 11 -- the full ...
[Romans 3:21-26] The great reformer Martin Luther once said, "This one and firm rock, which we call the doctrine of justification, is the chief article of the whole Christian doctrine, which comprehends the understanding of all godliness." He also called this doctrine the "article of the standing and falling of the ...
Many Christians are crippled in their walk with the Lord, because they wrongly believe that God is relating to them on the basis of their righteousness, instead of on the righteousness of JESUS CHRIST. But the truth is, we could never, in a billion-trillion years come even close to being ...
[Romans 4:13-25]. In this episode we discover FAITH GROUND ZERO. This is the epicenter of faith -- true, saving faith, the righteousness of faith. The Bible points to Abraham as the prime example of one who demonstrates "the just shall live by faith". We'll see that real faith is focused ...
[Romans 3:27-4:12]  Who are the people God blesses? The biblical answer will probably surprise you. In this episode we dive into the key scriptures on the righteous OF FAITH and NOT by the works of the law. God is always and ever the SOURCE, the MEANS and the GREAT END ...
"Faith Ground Zero" [Hebrews 11:11-12, Romans 3:10-26]. Abraham faced an impossible situation: fathering a child when he was 100 and Sarah was 91. Yet, there was something remarkable about the nature of their faith. In fact, the Bible identifies their faith as "the righteousness of faith". Through faith in Christ, they were supernaturally ...
[Hebrews 11:7-10] The ancients -- people like Abel, Enoch, Noah and Abraham -- didn't have Bibles, churches, Christian books, CD's or podcasts. But they had the living God. Their faith looked to Him and His righteousness. In this episode, we examine the faith of godly Noah who, even though in a wicked ...
[This message was preached by Mark VanOuse at Transforming Lives Through Christ Ministries on Sunday August 24, 2014] It's a simple, yet amazing truth: God is glorified most by the grace He gives. In this message preached on a Sunday morning at his home church, Mark takes us through the ...
[Hebrews 11:3-6] The Bible declares it: THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. In this panoramic episode, we see what living BY FAITH can accomplish: We take a sweeping view of all of Hebrews 11, extracting out of every "by faith" or "through faith" verse what living by faith accomplishes. In ...
[Hebrews 11:1-2. This episode continues the mini series "The Just Shall Live by Faith", within our ongoing Hebrews series.] In this episode, we learn: God in His grace, through Jesus, has supplied ALL. Therefore, we have all NOW. Faith takes and personally appropriates what God has already richly supplied. What faith ...
[Hebrews 11 intro, Heb 10:38-39] What IS faith? That's a very important question to answer, since the Bible is clear that "the just shall live by faith" (Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38). In this episode we dig into this question and discover that there are two aspects of ...
[This episode is part 1 of a mini-series called, "The Just Shall Live By Faith". It is also a continuation of the "Hebrews: The Glory of the New Covenant" series. Note, this podcast is based on our article, "The Necessity of The Just Shall Live By Faith", found on the ...
[Hebrews 10:32-37] It can be tough walking in a world where the majority of those around us walk by sight and not by faith, by the flesh and not by the Spirit. In this episode we look at: The importance of remembering the fullness of Jesus Christ, the perfection of His finished ...
[Hebrews 10:15-31]. Too many Christians experience a "Christian" life that is more like a roller coaster ride: ups and downs, with more down than up. The reason for such inconsistency is that they try to live their Christian lives based on their inconsistent performance. The Epistle to the Hebrews repeatedly ...
[Text: Hebrews 10:11-15] Hebrews 10:14 (NASB) declares, "For by ONE offering He HAS PERFECTED for all time those who ARE sanctified." Those are revolutionary, life changing words. In this episode we learn how Christ's perfect, once for all time finished work makes us as perfectly complete as He is. This 100% completeness is not ...
[Passage: Hebrews 10:1-10]. On the cross, Jesus very last word was "Tetelestai!" (John 19:30). That powerful Greek word means, "It is FINISHED" or "all is ACCOMPLISHED". In this lesson we dive into one of the greatest chapters in all the Bible, Hebrews chapter 10. We'll learn: Just what it was ...
In this study, we take up the second half of Hebrews 9, verses 16-28. We talk about: Wills, testaments and covenants: what they are, what they have to do with Jesus and what they have to do with YOU. The vast difference between the Old Covenant/Testament of law, which left ...
Jesus is our Great High Priest. He served in the heavenly tabernacle, He entered the Holiest of All with His perfect blood. In this lesson we dig deep into the the eternal difference His perfect priesthood makes to throw open the way for us to enjoy closeness with God The ...
In this lesson we continue to look into God's mercy and total forgiveness, as promised -- and given -- in the New Covenant, Hebrews 8:12. We talk about why it is so important that we understand that God's forgiveness is as total, perfect and complete as the perfection of Jesus ...
In Hebrews 8:12, God promises, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” In this lesson, we focus on the vastness of God's mercy, total forgiveness and complete removal of our sins. Most Christians hold to a dubious theology of ...
It's the greatest treasure of all: intimately and personally knowing the living God. Not an impersonal "know about" God, but a relational reality. In this episode, we continue our focus on the specifics of the New Covenant, as presented in Hebrews 8:10-12. In this lesson, we dive into verse 11, where ...
Belonging. We all long for it. God has made it a wonderful reality through His New Covenant promise in Hebrews 8:10, "I will be their God, and they shall be My people". In this episode we explore: God as truly our God, being His people, a part of His family, ...
It's the great secret of the Christian life: GOD alive and IN us, as promised in Ezekiel 36:27, the parallel to Hebrews 8:10. God says: “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them." You'll ...
True of false: a Christian's heart is "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked". The biblical answer is: definitely false. In the New Covenant God promises -- and gives -- a new heart that is good. In this eye-opening episode you'll find out about your new, good heart given to you ...
Ask the average Christian exactly what the New Covenant is and you are likely to get bewildered stares, or wild guesses. How tragic it is that the majority of Christians have no idea what the New Covenant is! Yet Jesus bled and died to institute it. In this episode, we introduce ...
Hebrews 8:6 declares, "But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises." In this study of Hebrews 8:1-9, we see even more vividly how the New Covenant -- the covenant of grace -- is ...
Why do we need a new High Priest and a new Priesthood? What difference does that new High Priest and priesthood really make for us? In this episode we continue our study in Hebrews chapter 7, digging into verses 11-28. We see the many ways that the High Priesthood of Jesus ...
Why do we need a Great High Priest? Four chapters in Hebrews are dedicated to this important subject. The Bible is full of talk about priests. But what does this have to do with us? Everything! In this podcast: We identify our greatest needs and how they are fully met ...
In this podcast, we take up the question, "So what does the incarnation have to do with me"? This question is answered by taking up the reasons for the incarnation that we discussed last time and then connecting the dots to understand the great many benefits Christ's incarnation give us ...
The incarnation -- literally, God "in flesh" -- is the greatest thing that ever happened for you. Jesus, The Son of God (fully God), was begotten the Son of Man (human) to accomplish incredible things for you. In the first of this two-part teaching, we explore: What is the incarnation? ...
How is that so many Christians either think they can "lose their salvation" or have doubts about the future? Often, it's because they base their Christian life on their own performance (up and down), rather than on God Himself, His faithfulness and His performance for us. In this podcast, our ...
Many Christians are afraid that they may lose their salvation. They believe that the warning verses in Hebrews 6:4-8 and 10:26-31 are aimed at Christians. Is Hebrews really about losing your salvation? Can a Christian's sin be more powerful than Christ's finished work, thus negating that work on his behalf? In this ...
Our Hebrews series continues in chapter 5:12 through 6:3. We answer the questions: Why would a person be considered a "spiritual babe"? What is the "word of Righteousness?" What's the big deal about "righteousness"? The subject of righteousness is huge in the Bible. Most Christians -- even pastors -- are ...
In this episode, we take some time to step back and see the great context not only of the book of Hebrews, but the entire Bible: The Father's Love. Some of the topics covered: The all-important context of the Father and His love, bringing His children home. The Father's love ...
Hebrews, in so many ways proves that Jesus is fully qualified to our perfect High Priest. This is vitally important, as if He fails on one point, we are lost. We learn that: Qualifications for high priest Jesus is qualified and called to be our High Priest The problem of ...
In this edition, we talk about: What "keeping the rest" (cease from work) means as it applies to dead works versus life in the Spirit. The great salvation of the Bible vs. the myopic salvation of the modern church Jesus our compassionate High Priest and beginning the discussion on why ...
Because we are already in God's rest -- since He has already finished His work, God calls us to "keep the Sabbath" by ceasing from our works. That Sabbath is TODAY, always now. We always are in God's rest, ceasing from our work, because God has finished all in Christ. That's what ...
This is a very powerful, life-changing lesson. Many Christians are somewhat familiar with the fact that Hebrews talks about "rest" a lot. But few understand the revolutionary truth that the "rest" spoken of is God's rest. And He is resting because He has completely finished His work. Topics covered: It's ...
In this podcast we take a different direction than our verse-by-verse study of Hebrews. Many people hold to the belief that the believer "entering God's rest" is something that happens sometime in the future. Some even believe it happens after we die and leave this life! But as you'll find ...
In this installment we dig into Hebrews 3:1-12. Here are the topics covered: Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and why that makes a difference. The difference between Real Christianity and Religion. The Faithfulness of a Slave vs. the Faithfulness of a SON. A ...
Our podcast study, "Hebrews: the Glory of the New Covenant" continues with chapter 2. In this podcast, we cover the second part of the chapter, exploring: 6 reasons why Jesus, by the grace of God, had to taste death for everyone. Of the many things that Jesus accomplished by His ...
Our podcast study, "Hebrews: the Glory of the New Covenant" continues into chapter 2. In this podcast, we cover the first part of the chapter, examining: The problem of neglect and drifting away. This isn't about bad news: it is great news: we have so great a salvation! Jesus was ...
In this podcast, we study Hebrews chapter 1. We discover: God Himself is the start of Hebrews, just like Genesis 1:1 God is a speaking God and now speaks through His Son, Jesus. Jesus is the full and perfect expression of the Father The "so much" better of the New ...
This is the first installment in our Hebrews the Glory of the New Covenant series. In this introduction, we cover: Hebrews has a lot to do with covenants. What is a covenant? Why would God make a covenant when He has perfect and infinite integrity? The Old Covenant: the covenant ...
When most Christians think of Romans 7, they think that this chapter deals chiefly with struggling with sin. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this podcast, we take a close look at the entire chapter, particularly the theological verses of 1 through 13. When we take a look ...
This is part 6 and the conclusion of our series, "Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification". In this lesson we continue answering the question, "So why do I do the sinful things I do?" as we delve into the following topics: Another of Satan's key tactics: to attack who ...
This is part 5 of our series, "Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification". In this lesson we delve into the following topics: Do Christians have a "sinful nature"? What the difference is between the "sinful nature" and the "flesh". How that a sinner sins because they have a sinful ...
This is part 4 of our series, "Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification". This installment deals head-on with the extreme danger of thinking that you, as one in Christ, are bad or a part of you is bad (i.e., you still have a sinful nature).  This is proven to ...
This is part 3 of our series, "Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification". The topics covered: A challenge and a word of clarification. More about the fact that we have perfect sanctification now because of the perfection of Jesus and His finished work. We now have perfect sanctification, just ...
This is part 2 of our series, "Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification". The truth in this lesson is very powerful and life changing.  The topics covered: One of the most important verses in all the Bible on sanctification, 1 Corinthians 1:28 Perfect sanctification, like everything else given in ...
Here is part one of a new teaching series titled, "Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification".   In this lesson we cover: The importance of relying on God's Word, not human (carnal) wisdom. Much of the teaching on the subject of sanctification today is at odds with what the Bible ...