
God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair – Pt 5

[Series: God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair. This episode: “Psalm 37:34-40 – The Hope of the Righteous”] When we are going through a dark time, when the unrighteous and ungodly are getting away with their wrongdoing, it can seem like there is no hope. That our lives are hopeless, lost to the great wrong being perpetrated against us. In this episode, we see the great reality that God and His righteousness always triumphs:

  • Examples of people in the Bible who were viciously persecuted by the ungodly, but who through God triumphed, while those who persecuted them were eventually cut off by God.
  • What it means to “wait on the LORD”.
  • Even though the wicked may be temporarily prospering and growing in influence, God says it won’t last for too long. They are quickly cut off and destroyed.
  • The salvation and deliverance of God.

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God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair – Pt 3

[Series: God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair, this episode: “Ps 37:12-21 – The Doom of the Wicked and The Heritage of the Righteous] Over and over again in the Bible we see situations where the righteous are vexed and can be tempted to be discouraged when it seems like the unrighteous are getting away with murder. Meantime, the righteous suffer. But that is only temporary. In this episode:

  • God is KING! He is the highest Judge and nothing gets past holy God!
  • Heart to heart counsel to those who are vexed, frustrated and even angry at the way the wicked are getting away with their wrong in the here and now. It’s important to shut everything off and find a quiet place with God.
  • A reminder of the reality that all of us came into this world as fallen creatures, rebellious and idolatrous against God. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against Satan.
  • Why doesn’t that day of God’s justice come now? Taking the longer view and understanding that while God’s justice will certainly come, His mercy stays His hand to allow more to come into the Kingdom.
  • The sharp contrast between the certain doom of the wicked and the eternal heritage of the righteous.

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

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God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair – Pt 2

[Series: God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair] God is speaking very clearly to us during these distressing times and no matter the situations of unfairness that we face. We continue our hope-filled series, based on Psalms 37 & 73 (the “3-7, 7-3” prescription). In this episode:

  • I heard God LAUGH. His laugh of derision of the wicked, for He knows their day is coming (Psalm 37:13 and Psalm 2:4)
  • What it means to “delight in The Lord” and “commit your way to The Lord”
  • We must be very careful not to run ahead of God or take matters into our own hands when we have been treated unjustly. We need to trust in The Lord.
  • GOD shall bring it to pass: HE will make our righteousness to be brought forth as the light.
  • What it means to rest in The Lord, cease from anger and forsake wrath.
  • The sudden, calamitous destiny of the wicked versus the lasting inheritance and peace of the righteous.

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

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God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair – Pt 1

[Series: God’s Prescription When Life Isn’t Fair] There are times when we are frustrated — even angry — that something in our lives is downright unfair. We may be living our lives, doing what is right and then someone takes advantage of us. And it seems like they are getting away with it, while we suffer. In this opening episode:

  • The pandemic, a contentious U.S. Presidential election, economic upheaval, racial unrest, and violence in our cities. All of this has fallen upon us in just one year. This can leave many frustrated and even angry. But it is not good when we give into our flesh and respond in anger.
  • God is speaking to us through His Word…. and He has a powerful prescription for us when life is unfair. It’s the “3-7 7-3” prescription: Psalm 37 and Psalm 73. This series walks us through these two powerful psalms to discover God’s heart of love and patient justice.
  • Even though it may seem that the unrighteous are getting away with their wrong for a while, there will come a day when their end will come… swiftly.
  • God calls us not to fret or become angry, but to fully trust in Him.

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

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In God We Trust – Pt 2

[This is the second part of a 2-part message. NOTE: although the title is similar to the message shared during the last two podcast episodes (preached in 2020), this is a different one (preached in 2016)]. There are times when it seems as if things are spinning out of control. Or perhaps that the godless and wicked are gaining control. But that is not the case because God is The King and He is very much in control. On this podcast power encouragement during distressing times:

  • God is sovereign and rules over all.
  • The blessedness of trusting in God.
  • “In God We Trust” begins with in God I trust. This must be personal first.
  • Numerous examples are given in American history of in God we trust.

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In God We Trust – Pt 1

[This is the first part of a 2-part message. NOTE: although the title is similar to the message shared during the last two podcast episodes (preached in 2020), this is a different one (preached in 2016)]. The most important and comforting thought we could ever have, even in the midst our turbulent times is this: God HIMSELF is supremely and always King. We can safely and confidently put our full trust in Him. In this message:

  • How God throughout the history of America has responded with revival to the fervent prayer of His people who cry out to Him.
  • How one verse, Isaiah 33:22, is the foundation verse of the United State’s form of government.
  • What GOD thinks about those who trust in man.

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In God We Trust 2020 – Pt 2

[This is part 2 of the two-part message, “In God We Trust 2020”] The Bible speaks in many places about the blessedness of trusting God, not man. In this episode we learn about what The Bible means to trust in God. We also discuss:

  • The blessedness of trusting God, not man (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
  • Often, scripture tells us of the protection given us by trusting in The Lord.
  • The Rising Kingdoms: The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan and the Antichrist

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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In God We Trust 2020 – Pt 1

[This is part 1 of the two-part message, “In God We Trust 2020”] Do you know what verse lies at the exact center of the Bible? It is a powerful verse with profound implications for our troubled times: Psalm 118:9, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.” That one verse lays out two profoundly different worldviews: One looks to sinful man and human wisdom and power to save us. The other looks to Holy God and His infinite wisdom and power to save. In this episode we bring REAL HOPE for America and the world:

  • How the difficulties we are going through are not “unprecedented” after all. America has gone through much worse. God is the One who has turned the tide from evil.
  • In God We Trust – America’s godly heritage behind the national motto.
  • What does it mean to trust in God?
  • The blessedness of trusting God vs. the cursedness of trusting man (Jeremiah 17:5-8)

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times 12: NO ONE and NO THING Can Separate Us From The Love of God in Christ!

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:35-39

In the midst of darkness, trouble and crisis we may be tempted to believe that God somehow is not really for us… we may even think that He is against us! But nothing could be farther from the truth! In this episode we look at the glorious truth of God triumphing Love…. even in the worst of circumstances:

  • Five fundamental questions that are raised in Romans 8:31-35 and their powerful answers that speak of the Love relationship that God has with us.
  • The biggest question of all: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35). The answer: NO ONE and NO THING can ever separate us from the Love of God in Christ!
  • How that in our darkest times we can get caught up in a law-based, law-cursed mentality, wrongly believing that God is punishing us for our sin. This drives us deeper into sin and away from God,.
  • The powerful INTERRUPTION of Romans 8:37 and what that word “YET” means in this verse. This changes everything.
  • Why we can be absolutely persuaded that absolutely no one and no thing will ever be able to separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times 12: NO ONE and NO THING Can Separate Us From The Love of God in Christ! Read More »

Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times 11: God is For Us – Pt 2

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:33-34.
Many Christians, when they experience the blessing of the Grace of God, have a dark tendency to think, “Uh oh! I better watch out for the other shoe to drop!” In other words, “Something bad is probably going to happen, now that something good from God has happened in my life”. But that is not true. God is for us, not against us. His heart is to bless us, because He is that good! In this episode we continue looking at Romans 8:31-34, examining verses 33 and 34:

  • GOD is our JUSTIFIER, therefore NO ONE can bring a charge against us. (v. 33)
  • The One who has the rightful place to condemn righteously, judicially is The Lord Jesus Christ. But what is He doing? He DIED for me. He ROSE for me. He is AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD (the favored place) and He is INTERCEEDING for me!

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