Victory In Christ

Hebrews Pt 28: 100% Complete & 100% Sanctified Forever

[Text: Hebrews 10:11-15]

Hebrews 10:14 (NASB) declares, “For by ONE offering He HAS PERFECTED for all time those who ARE sanctified.” Those are revolutionary, life changing words. In this episode we learn how Christ’s perfect, once for all time finished work makes us as perfectly complete as He is. This 100% completeness is not because of us, but because the believer is IN CHRIST. This is not what some wrongly call “positional truth” (no such concept exists in the Bible). We are not in a “position”, but a PERSON, The Lord Jesus Christ. This NOW reality is the essential key to the victorious Christian life!

Hebrews Pt 28: 100% Complete & 100% Sanctified Forever Read More »

Hebrews Pt 06: The Believer at Rest!

In this podcast we take a different direction than our verse-by-verse study of Hebrews. Many people hold to the belief that the believer “entering God’s rest” is something that happens sometime in the future. Some even believe it happens after we die and leave this life!

But as you’ll find out in this clarifying podcast, the believer ALREADY has entered God’s rest — at the very moment he was born again.

Hebrews Pt 06: The Believer at Rest! Read More »

Part 5, “So Why Do I Do the Sinful Things I Do?”

This is part 5 of our series, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification”. In this lesson we delve into the following topics:

  • Do Christians have a “sinful nature”?
  • What the difference is between the “sinful nature” and the “flesh”.
  • How that a sinner sins because they have a sinful nature versus the fact that a saint sins, contrary to their god-given holy nature, because they are deceived.
  • A saint sins because they are trying live under law, rather than living under grace.
  • How Adam and Eve sinned, even though they didn’t have a sinful nature or a sin consciousness.

Part 5, “So Why Do I Do the Sinful Things I Do?” Read More »