Sanctification Myths

Part 6, “So Why Do I Do the Sinful Things I Do?” (part 2)

This is part 6 and the conclusion of our series, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification”. In this lesson we continue answering the question, “So why do I do the sinful things I do?” as we delve into the following topics:

  • Another of Satan’s key tactics: to attack who you really are in Christ.
  • God is the only “I AM”
  • Our “I am” is out His “I AM”
  • The Christian life is a walk of faith, not to “become” but out of who we already are in Christ.

Part 6, “So Why Do I Do the Sinful Things I Do?” (part 2) Read More »

Part 5, “So Why Do I Do the Sinful Things I Do?”

This is part 5 of our series, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification”. In this lesson we delve into the following topics:

  • Do Christians have a “sinful nature”?
  • What the difference is between the “sinful nature” and the “flesh”.
  • How that a sinner sins because they have a sinful nature versus the fact that a saint sins, contrary to their god-given holy nature, because they are deceived.
  • A saint sins because they are trying live under law, rather than living under grace.
  • How Adam and Eve sinned, even though they didn’t have a sinful nature or a sin consciousness.

Part 5, “So Why Do I Do the Sinful Things I Do?” Read More »

Part 4, “An Extreme Danger”

This is part 4 of our series, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification”. This installment deals head-on with the extreme danger of thinking that you, as one in Christ, are bad or a part of you is bad (i.e., you still have a sinful nature).  This is proven to be false on scriptural grounds.  The topics covered:

  • Why it is so dangerous to think that either you or a part of you is bad.
  • Why the idea that our sanctification is somehow “imperfect in this life” is patently unbiblical.
  • Why the idea that “there abides still some remnants of corruption in every part” is patently unbiblical.
  • Why the idea that a Christian struggles with a “continual and irreconcilable war, the flesh lusting against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh is patently unbiblical.
  • Scripturally debunking The Myth of the Christian “Sinner”

Part 4, “An Extreme Danger” Read More »

Part 3, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification Right Now”

This is part 3 of our series, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification”. The topics covered:

  • A challenge and a word of clarification.
  • More about the fact that we have perfect sanctification now because of the perfection of Jesus and His finished work.
  • We now have perfect sanctification, just like we now have perfect justification.
  • The admonitions are spoken to a people already perfectly and forever sanctified in Christ.
  • It is a “walk according to”, not a “walk to become”
  • A prime example: 1 Cor 6:9-20.

Part 3, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification Right Now” Read More »

Part 2, “Perfect Sanctification Already Accomplished”

This is part 2 of our series, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification”. The truth in this lesson is very powerful and life changing.  The topics covered:

  • One of the most important verses in all the Bible on sanctification, 1 Corinthians 1:28
  • Perfect sanctification, like everything else given in “such a great salvation” (Heb 2:3) is entirely based on the finished, perfect work of Christ Jesus.
  • There are many verses in the New Testament that make it abundantly clear that our sanctification is perfect and complete, already done, because of the perfection of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
  • This is who we really are, not who “we will be” or who “we will become”.

Part 2, “Perfect Sanctification Already Accomplished” Read More »

Living In the Reality of Perfect Sanctification – Part 1, Introduction

Here is part one of a new teaching series titled, “Living in the Reality of Perfect Sanctification”.   In this lesson we cover:

  • The importance of relying on God’s Word, not human (carnal) wisdom.
  • Much of the teaching on the subject of sanctification today is at odds with what the Bible has to say about the subject.
  • The word “sanctification” is a Bible word, so we must be careful to define it in the context of how the word is used in the Bible.
  • Sanctification, like justification is all God, it is by grace, it is through faith in Christ Jesus, it is already done, it is all yours now, so enjoy it!
  • What the Bible means by “sanctification”
  • God’s “funny glasses” versus the reality of who you really are in Christ.

Living In the Reality of Perfect Sanctification – Part 1, Introduction Read More »