Remission of Sins

Such Costly Love – Part 3

[Series: Such Costly Love] The great Love of God is supremely demonstrated by the costly sacrifice of Jesus and shed His precious blood for us. In this episode we learn more about SUCH COSTLY LOVE and more reasons for His shed blood:

  • Remission of sins, which brings about the completely removal of all sin, past present and future.
  • Blood of purification
  • Brought near to God
  • New Covenant Blood

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Blessed #7: The Incredible Steadfast Love of The Lord – Part 2

[Part 7 of the “Blessed Beyond Imagination” series] Have you ever been betrayed by a friend, rejected by someone who used to love you or ever had someone say, “I’m DONE with you!”? At some point, we all experience the pain and loss of broken love. On this edition we learn about the steadfast love of God that NEVER GIVES UP ON YOU:

Blessed #7: The Incredible Steadfast Love of The Lord – Part 2 Read More »

Hebrews Pt 23: God’s Mercy & Total Forgiveness (Heb 8:12) Part 1

In Hebrews 8:12, God promises, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

In this lesson, we focus on the vastness of God’s mercy, total forgiveness and complete removal of our sins. Most Christians hold to a dubious theology of forgiveness based on only one verse, 1 John 1:9. They believe in what amounts to a temporary forgiveness, meaning they are forgiven UNTIL they sin, then they have to confess their sins in order for God to forgive them again. The scripture, however, has many verses that make it clear that God’s forgiveness is in fact total and eternal, based on the perfection of Jesus Christ and His perfect, finished work. The result is a tremendous security and stability for your Christian life!

Hebrews Pt 23: God’s Mercy & Total Forgiveness (Heb 8:12) Part 1 Read More »