Finished Work of Christ

Hebrews Pt 23: God’s Mercy & Total Forgiveness (Heb 8:12) Part 1

In Hebrews 8:12, God promises, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

In this lesson, we focus on the vastness of God’s mercy, total forgiveness and complete removal of our sins. Most Christians hold to a dubious theology of forgiveness based on only one verse, 1 John 1:9. They believe in what amounts to a temporary forgiveness, meaning they are forgiven UNTIL they sin, then they have to confess their sins in order for God to forgive them again. The scripture, however, has many verses that make it clear that God’s forgiveness is in fact total and eternal, based on the perfection of Jesus Christ and His perfect, finished work. The result is a tremendous security and stability for your Christian life!

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Total Forgiveness, Now and Forever

“I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more” (The New Covenant, Hebrews 8:12) Ask the average Christian, “What do you have to do for God to forgive you?” and most will cite 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Their viewpoint of forgiveness is:

  • You are completely forgiven UNTIL you sin.
  • You have to confess every single one of your sins in order to be forgiven and cleansed.

I call this “transient” or “temporary” forgiveness, as it is only good enough until your next sin. That’s the first clue that something is amiss. Another clue is that despite the fact that there is a huge class of scriptures clearly speaking of God’s total and forever forgiveness, they still insist on pointing to only one verse, 1 John 1:9, to back up their “temporary forgiveness” theology. Poor and misleading is the theology that is built on only one verse. …

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Hebrews Pt 18: The New Covenant: The I WILL of God (Heb 8:11-13)

Ask the average Christian exactly what the New Covenant is and you are likely to get bewildered stares, or wild guesses. How tragic it is that the majority of Christians have no idea what the New Covenant is! Yet Jesus bled and died to institute it. In this episode, we introduce Hebrews 8:11-13, the I WILL’s of God of the New Covenant. We discuss:

  • The huge difference between law (the Old Covenant) and grace (the New Covenant)
  • How Satan’s “I WILL’s” led to his fall and how the greatest lie of all is “I will make myself like the Most High”.
  • How this same lie has been used by Satan through the ages and is used to paralyze Christians.
  • The New Covenant is not all about your “I will’s” but God’s I WILL’s alone — and HE gets it done!

Hebrews Pt 18: The New Covenant: The I WILL of God (Heb 8:11-13) Read More »

Hebrews Pt 17: So Much Better (Heb 8:1-9)

Hebrews 8:6 declares, “But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.” In this study of Hebrews 8:1-9, we see even more vividly how the New Covenant — the covenant of grace — is as infinitely better than the Old Covenant of law, as Jesus Himself is. We’ll examine:

  • The SO MUCH BETTER of the High Priestly service of Jesus.
  • The SO MUCH BETTER of Jesus’ more excellent ministry brings in a MUCH BETTER covenant.
  • The fault of the Old Covenant of Law: sinful man, in desperate need of a new and infinitely better covenant.

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Hebrews Pt 14: All Based on God’s Faithfulness (Hebrews 6, pt 3)

How is that so many Christians either think they can “lose their salvation” or have doubts about the future? Often, it’s because they base their Christian life on their own performance (up and down), rather than on God Himself, His faithfulness and His performance for us.

In this podcast, our study of Hebrews continues in Hebrews 6:13-20. We learn:

  • The basis of our triumphant faith: God HIMSELF and HIS faithfulness!
  • How God gives us strong encouragement through His promise and oath.
  • As result of God’s faithfulness and performance we have: stability, safety and access into the most holy Presence of God!


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Hebrews Pt 12: Righteousness Makes a Huge Difference

Our Hebrews series continues in chapter 5:12 through 6:3. We answer the questions:

  • Why would a person be considered a “spiritual babe”?
  • What is the “word of Righteousness?”
  • What’s the big deal about “righteousness”?

The subject of righteousness is huge in the Bible. Most Christians — even pastors — are confused about what it really means. Most Christians are loaded down with a sin consciousness, instead of realizing the JOY of being made righteous and the incredible difference it makes in their spiritual lives.

This episode plunges into these great truths that will set you free!

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Hebrews Pt 10: Jesus IS Qualified to Be Our Perfect High Priest (Chapter 5, part 2)

Hebrews, in so many ways proves that Jesus is fully qualified to our perfect High Priest. This is vitally important, as if He fails on one point, we are lost. We learn that:

  • Qualifications for high priest
  • Jesus is qualified and called to be our High Priest
  • The problem of dullness of hearing and how it hinders our ability to fully understand the greatness of Jesus and His finished work.

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Hebrews Pt 09: How We Keep the Sabbath (Hebrews Chapter 5, Part 1)

In this edition, we talk about:

  • What “keeping the rest” (cease from work) means as it applies to dead works versus life in the Spirit.
  • The great salvation of the Bible vs. the myopic salvation of the modern church
  • Jesus our compassionate High Priest and beginning the discussion on why Jesus is fully qualified to be our high priest.

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Hebrews Pt 08: Done, So Enjoy It! (chapter 4, part 2)

Because we are already in God’s rest — since He has already finished His work, God calls us to “keep the Sabbath” by ceasing from our works. That Sabbath is TODAY, always now. We always are in God’s rest, ceasing from our work, because God has finished all in Christ. That’s what Hebrews is all about.

Topics covered:

    • What “Sabbath keeping” really means for the believer
    • For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
    • “For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His” (Heb 4:10)
    • How we can come boldly before the throne of grace, because of all that Jesus has accomplished.
    • Religion warning




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Revolutionary, Life-Changing Hebrews Series Underway!

Jesus shed His blood for it.

He gave His life for it.

Yet very few Christians know anything about it: It’s the New Covenant.

Our series, “Hebrews: The Glory of the New Covenant” is well underway. Join us as we dig into the amazing truths found in Hebrews. There are several ways you can get the series:

  • Here at our website, click on the “Podcasts menu item above or click on the “Series” menu item above, then “Hebrews: the Glory of the New Covenant”
  • You can subscribe to the “Daily in Christ” podcast via the iTunes Store.
Take time with us to dig into these great lessons on the Book of Hebrews and invite others to listen, as well!

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