Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times 10: God is For Us – Pt 1

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:31-32. If we go through a trial and wrongly think that God is against us it pushes us into deeper darkness. But the plain truth is: believer, God is indeed FOR you and not against you! And that makes all the difference whenever we go through the darkest of times. In this episode we see:

  • God is for us! So who can be against us? (v. 31)
  • God the Father gave His own Son — and so He freely gives us all things with Him (v.32)
  • We also discuss, biblically, while the so-called “Cancel Culture” of our day is in fact demonic and of Satan, the Accuser of The Brethren (this starts at 11:35).