
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times 7 – Saved in Hope

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] All around us seems to be in hopelessness and despair. Our world has been thrown into deep crisis because of the pandemic. Racial unrest tears the heart of the nation. In city after city the voices of peaceful protesters are drowned out by gangs of criminals who loot, set fire and murder at night. Is there any possible hope? In this episode we will see that GOD HIMSELF says, “Yes! There is INCREDIBLE HOPE”…

  • The troubles of our time are seen in the much wider context of the creation that “groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.”
  • It is critical that a Christian not look to the world’s problems from a worldly perspective, but based on the Bible. The heart of racisim is the sinful selfishness of man.
  • The believer, even though outwardly has a temporary body, has the Holy Spirit who testifies to us of the realities of the world to come.
  • The great hope which is come. What is the culmination of all things.

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Hebrews Pt 30: Remember!

[Hebrews 10:32-37]

It can be tough walking in a world where the majority of those around us walk by sight and not by faith, by the flesh and not by the Spirit. In this episode we look at:

  • The importance of remembering the fullness of Jesus Christ, the perfection of His finished work and that we are 100% complete in Him.
  • The supernatural effect of the illumination of Christ, His finished work, our completeness in Him and Christ alive in us.
  • Holding on to the confidence we have in Him.
  • The great reward such confidence gives us.


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