why Christians struggle

Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times, Part 4: Victory in Context 3

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Believer, do you know that the old sinner you is dead and buried? Do you know that you are dead to sin? Do you know that you are also dead to the law? In this episode we talk about the NEW YOU:

  • The power of believing a lie versus the power of believing the Truth of God’s Word.
  • Romans 6: Know, Reckon, Yield. Your union with Christ means that you have been crucified together with Christ and died. Therefore, you are dead to sin and alive to God. What it means to “reckon” and what it means to “yield”.
  • Romans 7: the most misunderstood chapter in all the Bible! The believer has died not only to sin, but also the law. What the real purpose of the law is. What the so-called “struggle” verses of 14-24 really mean.
  • Romans 8:1-14 – There are two races of humans: those IN THE FLESH and those IN THE SPIRIT. What it means to live according to the flesh and according to the Spirit.

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Blessed #18: In Christ Realities (Part 5)

[Blessed Beyond Imagination #18]

Many Christians struggle with living as the brand new creature in Christ that they REALLY ARE, because they think, “I don’t think I’m ‘good enough’ or ‘holy enough’ or ‘righteous enough”. That’s right: you are NOT… but the Lord Jesus Christ is! And that makes a world of difference for you, in terms of the enjoyment of the blessed new life. Today we look at:

  • The glorious truth of 1 Corinthians 1:30, which tells us that we are in Christ because GOD did it. As well as the incredible context of 1 Corinthians 1:30.
  • You are a partaker of the blessings of God, not because you are so worthy, but because of what GOD THE FATHER has accomplished IN and THROUGH Jesus Christ!
  • Romans 4:5-8 and the fact that God justifies and blesses the UNGODLY on the basis of faith, which is according to God’s Grace (Romans 4:16).
  • The Bible clearly declares that “the just SHALL LIVE by FAITH”, which looks to Jesus Christ as our all in all.

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Blessed #17: In Christ Realities (Part 4)

[Blessed Beyond Imagination #17. The beginning of this podcast has encouragement from God’s Word dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis].

It’s true: God has already richly blessed you, believer, beyond imagination! But many struggle and ask, “Why isn’t this working in my life?”. We tackling that perplexing question in this episode:

  • Why “doing for God” is a big mistake.
  • Many look at things carnally — after the flesh, rather than recognizing the new creation realities by the Spirit.
  • The importance of walking by faith, not by sight.
  • What it means to be a “new creature”.

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