
Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times 11: God is For Us – Pt 2

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:33-34.
Many Christians, when they experience the blessing of the Grace of God, have a dark tendency to think, “Uh oh! I better watch out for the other shoe to drop!” In other words, “Something bad is probably going to happen, now that something good from God has happened in my life”. But that is not true. God is for us, not against us. His heart is to bless us, because He is that good! In this episode we continue looking at Romans 8:31-34, examining verses 33 and 34:

  • GOD is our JUSTIFIER, therefore NO ONE can bring a charge against us. (v. 33)
  • The One who has the rightful place to condemn righteously, judicially is The Lord Jesus Christ. But what is He doing? He DIED for me. He ROSE for me. He is AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD (the favored place) and He is INTERCEEDING for me!

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Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times 10: God is For Us – Pt 1

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Romans 8:31-32. If we go through a trial and wrongly think that God is against us it pushes us into deeper darkness. But the plain truth is: believer, God is indeed FOR you and not against you! And that makes all the difference whenever we go through the darkest of times. In this episode we see:

  • God is for us! So who can be against us? (v. 31)
  • God the Father gave His own Son — and so He freely gives us all things with Him (v.32)
  • We also discuss, biblically, while the so-called “Cancel Culture” of our day is in fact demonic and of Satan, the Accuser of The Brethren (this starts at 11:35).

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Dark storm pushed back by brilliant light.

More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times, Part 3: Victory in Context 2

[Series: More Than Conquerors in the Darkest of Times] Every single believer is already “more than a conqueror through Him who loved us” — even in the darkest of times. Unfortunately, many believers don’t understand the incredible truths of God’s Love, and the incredible things that God has done for them and to them. So, they are caught up with the world’s fear, just like anyone else.

In this episode, we’ll continue looking a the context of such love that has made us more than conquerors looking at Romans chapters 4 and 5:

  • We have no need to fear, because God’s Perfect Love casts out fear.
  • We receive all the benefits of the Grace of God and what Christ has already accomplished for us by faith.
  • God’s Grace is accomplished through Jesus’ work in the past, justifying and reconciling us, gives us admission into the full benefits of God’s grace right now and gives us a real, rejoicing hope for our future.
  • The reality that there are only two races of humans on the planet: those in first Adam, who brought sin, death and condemnation to all and those in the Last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, who receive the gift of righteousness, peace and abundance of grace to reign as kings in this life.

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The Real Reason Behind Trials: The Testing of Our Faith

The subject of suffering frequently comes up in Christian teachings. Many times the speaker will quote a passage like Romans 5:3-4
3 And not only [that], but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Then they go on and on about “the value of suffering”: God is using suffering, hardship, difficulty to improve our character, refine us, make us stronger, make us “more Christ-like”.
They have it completely wrong.

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Hebrews Pt 45: Tried Faith & The Results of God’s Grace

[Hebrews 12:12-17] In this lesson, we look at:

  • The real reason behind the trials of life that a believer will face and why they happen.
  • The powerful results of the grace of God in our lives to move us beyond discouragement to pursue peace with all people and holiness.
  • The benefits of resting and relying on the grace of God and the great harm if we don’t.

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Hebrews Pt 43: Dispelling Misconceptions on the Discipline of God

[Hebrews 12:3-6] Does God send terrible things like cancer, tragic accidents and the death of loved ones to make us more like Jesus? Does God punish His children, even with severe scourging? In this episode, we deal head-on and scripturally with common — and harmful — misconceptions about the discipline of God. We elaborate on the reasons why the claim that God does such things to punish His children is wrong:

  • Reason #1: it completely disregards all of Hebrews, plucking these verses from this vital context.
  • Reason #2: it completely ignores what these verses are talking about
  • Reason #3: a mistranslation of the word “scourge” in verse 6.

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