Priesthood of Jesus

Hebrews Pt 27: Perfect!

[Passage: Hebrews 10:1-10].

On the cross, Jesus very last word was “Tetelestai!” (John 19:30). That powerful Greek word means, “It is FINISHED” or “all is ACCOMPLISHED”. In this lesson we dive into one of the greatest chapters in all the Bible, Hebrews chapter 10. We’ll learn:

  • Just what it was that Jesus perfectly accomplished on the cross.
  • The vital principle that a perfect sacrifice never needs to be repeated and gives us perfect purification, no sin consciousness and a confidence to enjoy intimacy with Father God.
  • How Jesus’ perfect, finished work removes the law by perfectly fulfilling it, causing the New Covenant of grace to stand forever.
  • That Jesus’ offering of His body and total willingness by saying, “I will do your will, O God” sanctifies us FOREVER.

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Hebrews Pt 26: Out with the Old, in with the New!

In this study, we take up the second half of Hebrews 9, verses 16-28. We talk about:

  • Wills, testaments and covenants: what they are, what they have to do with Jesus and what they have to do with YOU.
  • The vast difference between the Old Covenant/Testament of law, which left us in sin, defeat, incompleteness, and condemnation and the NEW Covenant/Testament, leading us to the remission of sins, completeness, victory, closeness with God and God’s blessing.
  • We also look into what the shedding of Jesus’ blood accomplished for us, how Jesus was offered ONCE to bear the sins of many.

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Hebrews Pt 25: The Eternal Difference Jesus Our Great High Priest Makes (Heb 9:1-15)

Jesus is our Great High Priest. He served in the heavenly tabernacle, He entered the Holiest of All with His perfect blood. In this lesson we dig deep into the the eternal difference His perfect priesthood makes to throw open the way for us to enjoy closeness with God The Father.

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Total Forgiveness, Now and Forever

“I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more” (The New Covenant, Hebrews 8:12) Ask the average Christian, “What do you have to do for God to forgive you?” and most will cite 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Their viewpoint of forgiveness is:

  • You are completely forgiven UNTIL you sin.
  • You have to confess every single one of your sins in order to be forgiven and cleansed.

I call this “transient” or “temporary” forgiveness, as it is only good enough until your next sin. That’s the first clue that something is amiss. Another clue is that despite the fact that there is a huge class of scriptures clearly speaking of God’s total and forever forgiveness, they still insist on pointing to only one verse, 1 John 1:9, to back up their “temporary forgiveness” theology. Poor and misleading is the theology that is built on only one verse. …

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Hebrews Pt 16: A New High Priest and a New, Better Way

Why do we need a new High Priest and a new Priesthood? What difference does that new High Priest and priesthood really make for us? In this episode we continue our study in Hebrews chapter 7, digging into verses 11-28. We see the many ways that the High Priesthood of Jesus is infinitely superior to the weak, failing, sinful priests under the Law/Old Covenant. What this means is that GOD will not fail with you!


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Hebrews Pt 15: Why We Need a Great High Priest

Why do we need a Great High Priest? Four chapters in Hebrews are dedicated to this important subject. The Bible is full of talk about priests. But what does this have to do with us? Everything! In this podcast:

  • We identify our greatest needs and how they are fully met by Jesus, our Great High Priest.
  • We learn about the significance of Melchizedek, the Priest King and how this one identified as “King of Righteousness” and “King of Peace” points to Jesus our Great High Priest, the Source of real righteousness and peace.

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The Incarnation: The Greatest Thing That Ever Happened For You – Part 1

The incarnation — literally, God “in flesh” — is the greatest thing that ever happened for you. Jesus, The Son of God (fully God), was begotten the Son of Man (human) to accomplish incredible things for you. In the first of this two-part teaching, we explore:

  • What is the incarnation? We explore the powerful meaning of this great reality.
  • Why the incarnation? It’s one thing to know the “what” of the incarnation, but when we ask the important question “why”, we dig deep and uncover the incredible heart of God. Jesus had to be human, so that there would be a new race of humans, to unite with our humanity and be our perfect High Priest.


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