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Hebrews study

Revolutionary, Life-Changing Hebrews Series Underway!

Jesus shed His blood for it.

He gave His life for it.

Yet very few Christians know anything about it: It’s the New Covenant.

Our series, “Hebrews: The Glory of the New Covenant” is well underway. Join us as we dig into the amazing truths found in Hebrews. There are several ways you can get the series:

  • Here at our website, click on the “Podcasts menu item above or click on the “Series” menu item above, then “Hebrews: the Glory of the New Covenant”
  • You can subscribe to the “Daily in Christ” podcast via the iTunes Store.
Take time with us to dig into these great lessons on the Book of Hebrews and invite others to listen, as well!

Revolutionary, Life-Changing Hebrews Series Underway! Read More »

Hebrews Pt 07: It’s Entering GOD’S Rest! (Chapter 4, Part 1)

This is a very powerful, life-changing lesson. Many Christians are somewhat familiar with the fact that Hebrews talks about “rest” a lot. But few understand the revolutionary truth that the “rest” spoken of is God’s rest. And He is resting because He has completely finished His work. Topics covered:

  • It’s about God’s rest, not yours.
  • Why God would rest
  • What God’s rest meant at the creation (Genesis 2)
  • What God’s rest meant to Israel under Joshua’s leadership

Hebrews Pt 07: It’s Entering GOD’S Rest! (Chapter 4, Part 1) Read More »

Hebrews Pt 06: The Believer at Rest!

In this podcast we take a different direction than our verse-by-verse study of Hebrews. Many people hold to the belief that the believer “entering God’s rest” is something that happens sometime in the future. Some even believe it happens after we die and leave this life!

But as you’ll find out in this clarifying podcast, the believer ALREADY has entered God’s rest — at the very moment he was born again.

Hebrews Pt 06: The Believer at Rest! Read More »

Hebrews Pt 05: “The Peril of Unbelief” – Chapter 3

In this installment we dig into Hebrews 3:1-12. Here are the topics covered:

  • Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and why that makes a difference.
  • The difference between Real Christianity and Religion.
  • The Faithfulness of a Slave vs. the Faithfulness of a SON.
  • A warning to non-believers not to harden their hearts against Jesus.

The Faithfulness of a Slave vs. the Faithfulness of a SON

Hebrews Pt 05: “The Peril of Unbelief” – Chapter 3 Read More »

Hebrews Pt 04: The Offering of The Son so that We Can Be Sons – Chapter 2 (part 2):

Our podcast study, “Hebrews: the Glory of the New Covenant” continues with chapter 2. In this podcast, we cover the second part of the chapter, exploring:

  • 6 reasons why Jesus, by the grace of God, had to taste death for everyone.
  • Of the many things that Jesus accomplished by His perfect person, life, work, sacrifice and death is making us son (heirs) of God. Sons that He is not ashamed of!

Hebrews Pt 04: The Offering of The Son so that We Can Be Sons – Chapter 2 (part 2): Read More »

Hebrews Pt 03: Don’t Neglect So Great a Salvation – Chapter 2 (part 1)

Our podcast study, “Hebrews: the Glory of the New Covenant” continues into chapter 2. In this podcast, we cover the first part of the chapter, examining:

  • The problem of neglect and drifting away.
  • This isn’t about bad news: it is great news: we have so great a salvation!
  • Jesus was made lower so that He might taste death for everyone
  • The reasons why the grace of God required Jesus to taste death for everyone.

Hebrews Pt 03: Don’t Neglect So Great a Salvation – Chapter 2 (part 1) Read More »

Hebrews Pt 02: God Expressing All Through His Son – Chapter 1

In this podcast, we study Hebrews chapter 1. We discover:

  • God Himself is the start of Hebrews, just like Genesis 1:1
  • God is a speaking God and now speaks through His Son, Jesus.
  • Jesus is the full and perfect expression of the Father
  • The “so much” better of the New Covenant described in Hebrews begins.
  • The greatness and excellence of the Son. Here in Hebrews 1 is some of the clearest teaching in all the Bible about divinity of Jesus Christ.
  • The point of all this is that Christ is all. Christianity is not about “how to be a Christian” it is about Christ and faith in Christ alone.

Hebrews Pt 02: God Expressing All Through His Son – Chapter 1 Read More »

Hebrews Pt 01: Intro

This is the first installment in our Hebrews the Glory of the New Covenant series. In this introduction, we cover:

  • Hebrews has a lot to do with covenants. What is a covenant? Why would God make a covenant when He has perfect and infinite integrity?
  • The Old Covenant: the covenant of law. Based on man’s performance and proves man to be a sinner and a failure.
  • The New Covenant: the covenant of grace. Hebrews is chiefly about the New Covenant. It is based on the perfect person and finished work of Jesus Christ.
  • How the New Covenant offers “so much more” than the Old Covenant.
  • The importance of the context of Hebrews
  • The warnings of Hebrews
  • Therefore, consider Jesus.

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