Grace of God

God’s Use of the Word “Grace” is Not What You Think

The word “Grace” is used frequently in Christian sermons, books, podcasts, etc. However, many times this word is used in a way that God does not use it. Which means we are communicating something incorrect when we use the word “Grace” in a Christian context. The result of such incorrect usage of the word “Grace” in the church has resulted in a lot of “grace confusion”.

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Blessed #9: Blessed of God (Part 2)

Blessed Beyond Imagination. Sounds a bit “over the top” don’t you think? But God actually DOES bless like this, in an exceeding measure! This is what God DOES… because of WHO HE IS.

So WHO is blessed of God? And WHY are the blessed of God? In today’s episode:

  • God blesses us solely because He is good.
  • We begin to look at prime examples of people blessed of God, even though they did not deserve it. People like Abraham.
  • Then, there is the unusual pattern where we see God blessing the younger son, even though the firstborn son always deserved the richest blessing. Please like
    • Abel
    • Isaac
    • Jacob
    • More examples will follow in Part 10.

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Blessed #1: Introduction to the Blessing of God

[This is Part 1 of the “Blessed Beyond Imagination Series”]

Many times, we greet each other with “How are you?” For the believer, our answer really is “Blessed beyond imagination!”. In this introductory episode, you’ll find out why, as we learn:

  • That God is the source of all blessing. He blesses us because He is good.
  • A Blessing Scripture Parade – presenting a sampling of the many wonderful scriptures about the blessing of God.
  • Blessing: What it is and is not.

[Scriptures: Eph 1:3, Gen 1:22, Gen 1:27-28, Deut 28:14, Prov 10:6-7, 10:22, 28:20, Isaiah 44:2-5, Rom 8:32 & 15:29]

CC by-nc-nd 2016 Mark D. VanOuse
This recording is under a Creative Commons copyright license.

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The Just Shall Live By Faith – Pt 6 (Hebrews Pt 36)

“Faith Ground Zero” [Hebrews 11:11-12, Romans 3:10-26]. Abraham faced an impossible situation: fathering a child when he was 100 and Sarah was 91. Yet, there was something remarkable about the nature of their faith. In fact, the Bible identifies their faith as “the righteousness of faith”. Through faith in Christ, they were supernaturally enabled by God to bear a son, the child of promise.

What was it about their faith that was so effective? To find that answer, we look to the book of Romans, chapters three and four. In this episode we delve into Romans 3:10-26 and see that the entire human race has fallen catastrophically far from God. None are righteous, so says God. Despite that grim outlook, God intervenes with HIS righteousness given freely, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe” (Rom 3:27). Our relationship with God is based on the perfect and wonderful standing that JESUS has with the Father. This is the foundation of living life victoriously with a bold and confident faith in Christ!

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Grace and Glory

[This message was preached by Mark VanOuse at Transforming Lives Through Christ Ministries on Sunday August 24, 2014]

It’s a simple, yet amazing truth: God is glorified most by the grace He gives. In this message preached on a Sunday morning at his home church, Mark takes us through the scriptures visiting some of the great high points of the praise and glory of God. Strikingly, right there at the peak glory of God, we also see the language of grace.

Learn, straight from the scriptures, the breathtaking truth that God is indeed glorified most by the grace HE gives!


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