Curse of the Law

Blessed #10: Blessed of God (Part 3)

Why is that we see in the Bible that God repeatedly blesses the undeserving? We learn more about this fact in this lesson, as we examine people in the Bible who were blessed of God, even though they didn’t deserve it. Today, we’ll study:

  • Joseph – the youngest of Jacob’s sons. Even though he faced adversity, he held onto the fact that he was indeed blessed of God, Who had a great destiny for him
  • Moses – another one who was not the firstborn of his family, yet God chose Him for His purposes.
  • How there was a Great Divide of how God related to His before and after Mount Sinai and the giving of the Law: before Sinai, no judgment against Israel, after the Law, a man was cursed and stoned… for picking up sticks!
  • After the law, curse after curse. And yet, God still cherished and blessed His people!

Blessed #10: Blessed of God (Part 3) Read More »

Law Thinking Drives Us Deeper Into Ourselves and Away From God

Law thinking drives us deeper into ourselves, relying on fleshly resources rather than the kind and infinite resources of our Heavenly Father.

For example, it is commonly taught in the church that God requires a tithe — meaning a tenth of all. Then people get into all sorts of debates about what God requires: do we tithe off gross pay or net? What if I’m unemployed? What it I can’t pay my bills?

Meanwhile, statisticians tell us that less than 10% of church-going people actually do tithe. Some recent reports put it at well below 5%* …

Law Thinking Drives Us Deeper Into Ourselves and Away From God Read More »