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Completeness in Christ

Christ in me the hope of…

26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28 Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. — Colossians 1:26-28

Colossians 1:27 says that Christ in you — in me — is the hope of glory!

Some time ago the Lord showed me that the hope of glory means the hope of the glory of the full extent of all that our Creator God means for us to be. Recently, God revealed to me something even deeper that can connect better in my mind and in the minds of others and it is this:

  • Christ in me the hope of righteousness
  • Christ in me the hope of love
  • Christ in me the hope of wisdom
  • Christ in me the hope of purity
  • Christ in me the hope of courage
  • Christ in me the hope of patience
  • Christ in me the hope of joy
  • Christ in me the hope of self-control
  • Christ in me the hope of goodness
  • Christ in me the hope of peace
  • Christ in me the hope of gentleness
  • Christ in me the hope of faithfulness
  • Christ in me the hope of strength
  • Christ in me the hope of healing
  • Christ in me the hope of being a blessing to others

Christ in me, my hope of glory!

Photo by KEEM IBARRA on Unsplash

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Exposing Satan’s Master Scheme: To Be Like God WITHOUT GOD – Pt. 5

[Part 5 of 5] While Satan’s plan to keep us away from God is devious — by distracting us with DOING to be like God — God’s REALITY for the new order of our being is INFINITELY better than DO — it is CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory. In this episode we learn:

  • That we don’t live “for” Christ, but Christ HIMSELF is our life, who is IN us (1 Cor 1:27)
  • The zenith of Christian living is because of our union with Christ, who lives through us, AS US.
  • Living by The Spirit vs. living by the flesh (our humanity)
  • God is not interested in you “becoming”. Believer, you ARE because Christ IS.
  • The NEW ME: a humble vessel, honored to carry and manifest The Lord Jesus Christ!

[Various scriptures]

CC by-nc-nd 2016 Mark D. VanOuse
This recording is under a Creative Commons copyright license.

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Exposing Satan’s Master Scheme: To Be Like God WITHOUT GOD – Pt 4

[Part 4 of 5] If Satan’s #1 strategy to keep us AWAY FROM God is to have us believe that we must DO to be LIKE GOD… then what is GOD’s way and plan for us? In this episode we explore God’s brilliant plan in the new creation: not “just you”, but the NEW YOU in union (one) with Christ:

  • We examine the reality of Christ’s oneness with His Father in John 17. This is BEING based not on “doing” but on UNION WITH GOD.
  • What it means when the Bible says that we CONTAIN Christ: as earthen vessels, branches of the vine, in Last Adam (Christ), temples of the Holy Spirit, slaves of righteousness, members of the body of Christ, as the wife (bride) of Christ, as the Father is in Christ.

Scriptures: John 17:20-26, John 15 & others

CC by-nc-nd 2016 Mark D. VanOuse
This recording is under a Creative Commons copyright license.

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Hebrews Pt 28: 100% Complete & 100% Sanctified Forever

[Text: Hebrews 10:11-15]

Hebrews 10:14 (NASB) declares, “For by ONE offering He HAS PERFECTED for all time those who ARE sanctified.” Those are revolutionary, life changing words. In this episode we learn how Christ’s perfect, once for all time finished work makes us as perfectly complete as He is. This 100% completeness is not because of us, but because the believer is IN CHRIST. This is not what some wrongly call “positional truth” (no such concept exists in the Bible). We are not in a “position”, but a PERSON, The Lord Jesus Christ. This NOW reality is the essential key to the victorious Christian life!

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Hebrews Pt 27: Perfect!

[Passage: Hebrews 10:1-10].

On the cross, Jesus very last word was “Tetelestai!” (John 19:30). That powerful Greek word means, “It is FINISHED” or “all is ACCOMPLISHED”. In this lesson we dive into one of the greatest chapters in all the Bible, Hebrews chapter 10. We’ll learn:

  • Just what it was that Jesus perfectly accomplished on the cross.
  • The vital principle that a perfect sacrifice never needs to be repeated and gives us perfect purification, no sin consciousness and a confidence to enjoy intimacy with Father God.
  • How Jesus’ perfect, finished work removes the law by perfectly fulfilling it, causing the New Covenant of grace to stand forever.
  • That Jesus’ offering of His body and total willingness by saying, “I will do your will, O God” sanctifies us FOREVER.

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The Incarnation: The Greatest Thing That Ever Happened For You – Part 1

The incarnation — literally, God “in flesh” — is the greatest thing that ever happened for you. Jesus, The Son of God (fully God), was begotten the Son of Man (human) to accomplish incredible things for you. In the first of this two-part teaching, we explore:

  • What is the incarnation? We explore the powerful meaning of this great reality.
  • Why the incarnation? It’s one thing to know the “what” of the incarnation, but when we ask the important question “why”, we dig deep and uncover the incredible heart of God. Jesus had to be human, so that there would be a new race of humans, to unite with our humanity and be our perfect High Priest.


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Completeness in Christ: We Don’t Need “More”

A popular Christian singer has a song that says,

So I’m praying, Father, help my heart believe
That right now You’re singing over me
And fill me up with Your love…

A contemporary worship song has the lines (sung mournfully),

More love,
More power
More of You in my life….

The sincerity of the Christian writers of these songs cannot be doubted. Both are asking God for “more”. Millions hear and sing these songs, making the lyrics even their own prayer. So we pray for God to fill us up with God’s love. We pray for God to give us more love, more power and more of God in our lives.

What’s wrong with this picture?

How can we ask for “more” of what we already have? It would be like owning and living in a two-story house and asking for God to give you a two-story house. We would tell such a person, “Hey, you already own a two-story house — so enjoy it!” It would be like an incredibly rich benefactor giving someone $100 billion and we hear the recipient moan, “I wish I could pay off my car loan!” Pay off his car loan? He can now buy an entire auto assembly plant!

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