Justified Forever!

In this two-part series, we look at one of the most important truths in all The Bible — justification by faith alone in Christ alone:

  • Justified Forever! Part 1 – Many Christians are crippled in their walk with the Lord, because they wrongly believe that God is relating to them on the basis of their righteousness, instead of on the righteousness of JESUS CHRIST. But the truth is, we could never, in a billion-trillion years come even close to being “good enough” for God. If we could, then WE would have to get the glory, not God.Recently, I preached a message at my home church called, “Justified Forever!”. Today, we’ll hear the first part of this message. It is important to understand that the biblical truth of justification by faith in Jesus and His finished work is vital to successful God-honoring Christianity. This truth sparked the Reformation nearly 500 years ago. It’s message has brought many to the saving knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Justified Forever! Part 2 -[Romans 3:21-26] The great reformer Martin Luther once said, “This one and firm rock, which we call the doctrine of justification, is the chief article of the whole Christian doctrine, which comprehends the understanding of all godliness.” He also called this doctrine the “article of the standing and falling of the church …if this article stands, the Church stands; if it falls, the Church falls.”Justification also finds supreme importance in the Bible itself. That’s what we’ll find out in this episode, part 2 of the message, “Justified Forever”