The Just Shall Live By Faith – Pt 6 (Hebrews Pt 36)

“Faith Ground Zero” [Hebrews 11:11-12, Romans 3:10-26]. Abraham faced an impossible situation: fathering a child when he was 100 and Sarah was 91. Yet, there was something remarkable about the nature of their faith. In fact, the Bible identifies their faith as “the righteousness of faith”. Through faith in Christ, they were supernaturally enabled by God to bear a son, the child of promise.

What was it about their faith that was so effective? To find that answer, we look to the book of Romans, chapters three and four. In this episode we delve into Romans 3:10-26 and see that the entire human race has fallen catastrophically far from God. None are righteous, so says God. Despite that grim outlook, God intervenes with HIS righteousness given freely, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe” (Rom 3:27). Our relationship with God is based on the perfect and wonderful standing that JESUS has with the Father. This is the foundation of living life victoriously with a bold and confident faith in Christ!